The Stupid King #16


bedtime story

Once upon a time, there lived a King. He was a good hunter and an excellent marksman.

One morning, the King decided to go out hunting. He mounted his horse and galloped into the thick forest. But he could not find any game that day. So the King was tired. He tied his horse to a tree and sat under the tree. Soon he fell fast asleep.

Suddenly, the King's sleep was disturbed by a painful wall and he woke up. The King saw a baby monkey groaning. He took pity on it. He got up and took the trembling baby in his arms. He saw that the baby monkey's leg was badly wounded. The King said to himself, "Let me take it to the palace. The wound will heal soon with proper treatment."

The kind King took the baby monkey to his palace and asked his guards to bandage its wound. The King then ordered them to take good care of the baby monkey.

After a few days, the monkey got well and started prancing about and getting into mischief. The King loved the monkey and it became his favorite pet. They became good friends. However, the King's minister did not like this at all But he could not utter a single word against the King's pet. The minister wondered how the King could be so friendly with a monkey.

One day, when the King was about to sleep, the monkey hopped on his bed and sat near him. The King said to the monkey, "When I'm asleep see to it that no one disturbs me."

In a few minutes the King was fast asleep. Just then a fly flew in and sat on the King's forehead. The King shook his head to shoo it away. The fly then sat on the King's cheek. When the monkey saw this, it shooed the fly away. Now the fly sat on the King's nose. This made the monkey very angry.

It took the King's sword which was lying nearby and struck the fly with it. But it flew away, and the sword fell on the King's nose. The King shrieked. He was in great pain. The guards came running inside. The King ordered them to catch the erring monkey and lock it up in a cage.

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