The Foolish Servant #03

Funny Story

There lived a shopkeeper named Kaku in a small village. Kaku kept in his shop all the essential things needed by the villagers.

Kaku had a servant named Fakira. Fakira was a loyal servant. But he was a simpleton. He did only that work which was assigned to him by Kaku.

One day, Kaku had to go home for some work. He asked Fakira to look after the shop while he was away.

Kaku said to Fakira, "Keep a strict watch on the door." Fakira assured him, "Master, do not worry. It is my responsibility to keep an eye on the door. Please take your time to finish the work."

Kaku went home. Fakira sat at the door guarding it.

Meanwhile, Fakira heard drumbeats at a distance. Little children from the village rushed to the spot. Soon, many villagers also gathered there. The acrobats began their show.

Fakira held the door of the shop. He watched the acrobats' feats, but he could not see them clearly from a distance.

Fakira was eager to see the daredevil feats of the acrobats at close quarters. But how could he leave the door unattended? How could he disobey his master's order? Finally, he thought of an idea. He pulled out the door, put it on his shoulders and went to watch the show. Fakira enjoyed every act of the show.

Just then, Kaku arrived there panting and calling out to Fakira. And what did he see? Fakira was enjoying the acrobats' show with the door on his shoulders. Kaku became angry and asked Fakira, "Did I not ask you to keep a careful watch on the door?" Fakira answered sheepishly, "O Master, I have not disobeyed you. I am carrying the door on my shoulders. Look, how well I am guarding it! Do you think anyone will have the courage to touch it, much less to take it away?"

Kaku said angrily, "But what about the shop you left unattended? How foolish you are, you silly man!"

Fakira was surprised. "What wrong have I done?" the dull- witted servant kept on wondering.

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  1. You should think before you do