The Crow Who Wanted To Be A Peacock #39


bedtime story

Once there was a crow. He did not like his color and his looks. He never felt proud to be a crow. This bothered him a lot and he always felt depressed. Therefore, whenever he came to his nest, he did not speak nicely to his wife. The wife often wondered, "What has happened to my dear husband?"

One day, the crow flew into a forest. He perched on a branch of a tree to take rest. Suddenly, he spotted some feathers of a peacock lying on the ground under the tree. The crow had an idea. He said to himself. "If cover my tail with these feathers, I will look as beautiful as a peacock!"

At once, the crow swooped down, picked up the feathers and covered his tail with them. He started walking like a peacock. The crow now thought, "At last I look like a beautiful peacock. Who will dare to call me a crow?"

As he was walking through the forest, the crow reached a spot where some peacocks were feeding themselves on grains. One of them asked him, "Who are you? Where have you come from?"

The brow said, "Oh! Don't you recognize me? We belong to the same family. Actually, I am a distant cousin of yours."

The news spread among the peacocks. All the peacocks and the peahens came to see their strange cousin. When they saw the crow, they wondered, "What kind of a peacock is this? This is really embarrassing for all of us. A crow e can never become a peacock by covering his tail with the feathers of a peacock!" The peacocks and the peahens were furious. They surrounded the crow and started pulling out the feathers from his tail. They pecked him and drove him away.

Poor crow! Disappointed, he returned to his nest. His wife was so angry with him that she refused to take him into the nest. All the other crows also stopped talking to him. He was accepted neither by the crows nor by the peacocks and was forced to lead a lonely life.

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