The Innocent Deer #20


bedtime story

There lived a fox and a deer in a forest. The fox was very cruel and cunning. Every day, when he saw the lovely deer, he would think. "One day, I will kill this deer and enjoy a hearty meal." But the fox could not run as fast as the deer. He knew that he could never catch the deer easily.

One day, the fox thought of a plan. He sat on the path frequented by the deer and started crying loudly. When the deer came there, she saw the fox wailing. She asked him, "Dear fox! What is the matter? Why are you crying?" The fox said, "Oh deer! I do not have any friend. I am all alone in this world. I feel like jumping into the river to end my lonely life."

The deer felt sorry for the fox. She consoled him and said, "Dear fox! How will jumping into a river help you? If you are alive, you could find a good friend If you feel so lonely, I will be glad to be your friend."

The fox's joy knew no bounds. At last, he succeeded in his plan to befriend the innocent deer.

The deer and the fox became good friends. They would roam around together in the forest. There also lived a crow in the forest. He was a Friend of the deer. One day, he saw the deer with the fox. He was surprised. He asked the deer. "Hello Friend! Who is this with you?"

The deer said. "Ah! This is a fox He is my new friend The crow was very clever. He said, "Dear friend! You cannot be friends with some one unless you know him or her very well." The innocent deer was confused But the cunning fox said quickly, "Dear crow! How can we know each other unless we become friends? Did you know the deer before you became her friend?"

The crow was not convinced by the fox's argument But he did not know what else to say. He flew away.

One fine day, the fox took the deer to a lovely field. The deer was thrilled! She ate to her heart's content and enjoyed running around in the vast field. After this, both the friends started going to the field every day. They caused a lot of damage to the standing crop .The farmer, the owner of the field, was very angry. He spread a net in the field to trap the animals which destroyed his crop.

The next day, as soon as the deer entered the field, she was caught in the net. The fox was overjoyed. He had succeeded in his plan to trap the deer. He waited for the deer to die in the net, so that he could eat her up. The fox quietly hid himself behind a tree in the field.

When the crow did not see his friend, the deer, for a long time, he was worried. He started searching for the deer. At last, he saw her trapped in the net in the field. The crow consoled the deer and said, "Dear friend! Do not worry. Be calm and pretend to be dead. As soon as you hear me cawing, run as fast as you can."

After some time, the farmer came to the field and saw the deer trapped in the net. He saw her lying still. He thought that she was dead. Slowly, he removed the net. At once, the crow started cawing, "Caw..... caw....."  The deer immediately jumped up and ran as fast as she could. The farmer was shocked. In anger, he threw a heavy stick at the deer. But he missed her and she was saved. Instead, the stick hit the fox who was chasing the deer. It hit him so hard on his head that he died on the spot.

The deer thanked the crow for saving her life. The two friends lived happily ever after.

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