The Body Strike #08

The Body Strike 
moral story,

All the organs of the body were jealous of the stomach. They decided to protest against it one day. 

The teeth said, "We chew the food but the stomach does nothing at all. It remains idle. This is not fair."

"Does any one ever appreciate the work we do?" complained the hands.

The feet grumbled, "We walk the whole day long, while the stomach does not do anything. He just sits idly and eats the whole day long."

"Yet, he is everyone's favorite," said the tongue. "Well, people say that if the stomach is healthy, the whole body remains healthy. Does
 anyone ever care for us?"

All the parts of the body had the same complaint to make. The stomach just sits idly while we work so hard."

Finally, all the parts of the body decided to strike work. They all stopped functioning.

"I am not going to move even one of my fingers," said the hand.

"And we are not going to walk even one step," said the feet firmly.

The teeth said, "We are going to stop chewing food from now onwards."

The mouth declared, "Henceforth, I will not have even one morsel of food."

The stomach was listening to all the organs complaints "All these parts of the body do not know what they are saying," he thought He pitied their ignorance and lack of understanding. He tried to convince them of his importance, but it was in vain. They were adamant and continued their strike.

Now the stomach stopped getting any food. But as the days passed, the body started becoming weaker and weaker. Since the stomach did not get any food, new blood could not be produced in the body. Therefore, the arms, legs and other parts of the body became weak. The face began to look pale and it sagged. They all began to grumble and complain.

The stomach said, "What can I do? As long as I could, I helped you by supplying your needs. Now I don't get any food myself. With no food in me, how can the body get the nutrition it needs? How can it produce new blood to keep you all healthy and strong?"

Now all the parts of the body understood that they derived their strength from the stomach. They realized their mistake. 

"The stomach is also doing useful work. We give it food and it gives us strength in return. The stomach is certainly not idle. It is as active as we are," they admitted. 

Soon after that, all the organs of the body began to do their work. The hands and the legs recovered their strength. The face brightened up. The tongue regained its power of speech.

Finally, all the parts of the body decided to co-operate with one another and work together in harmony.

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