You Speak What You Hear #05

You Speak What You Hear 
Moral Story

In a large jungle, there was a big tree. On one of its branches, was a nest in which a parrot lived with his wife. They had two baby parrots. The baby birds did not yet know how to fly. The parrots would go out looking for food and bring grains for their little ones.

One day, a hunter came to the jungle. He stood under the tree in which the parrots had built their nest. When he looked up, he saw the nest with the two baby parrots in it. The hunter climbed up the tree and caught them.

The hunter then walked towards his home with the baby parrots. On his way, he saw a hut. A saint was seated in front of the hut. The hunter paid his homage to the saint by bowing to him. The saint blessed him and said, "May you prosper and be happy!"

The hunter gave one of the baby parrots to the saint as a gift.

Every day, the saint recited his prayers and chanted the Lord's name on a rosary. When devotees came, he welcomed them with loving words and blessed them. The baby parrot listened to the saint's words and repeated them.

The hunter had taken the other baby parrot home. At home, he would speak to his wife about catching and selling birds. "Look at that branch! There is a cuckoo sitting on it. Catch it. He is a good game. Aim well. The baby parrot imitated the hunter's words and repeated them.

Early one morning, the King and his soldiers came to hunt in the jungle. When they passed by the hunter's hut, they heard the baby parrot say, "Catch him. Don't miss."

The King was surprised to hear the baby parrot speak in this way. He stopped near the hut. The soldiers arrested the hunter and brought him before the King. The King looked angry and said, "Is this what you have taught your parrot? Is this the way to address a King? This time, I pardon you, but remember, it should not happen again."

The King then proceeded towards the saint's hut. The baby parrot welcomed them saying, "May you prosper and be happy!" The King was amazed when the baby parrot said, "May the Lord bless you!"

The King said to himself, "The saint has a parrot and the hunter has one, too. But what a difference there is in their training and manners of speaking !"

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