It's Easy to Say It's Hard to Do #01

It's Easy to Say it's Hard to Do

Hey, my name is the storyteller and today I have brought you a beautiful and true story about the nature of people. This story is not only for children but also for elders. Why for the kids? Because from this story, young children can be made good and strong at an early age. And why for elders? Because this story can also improve the nature of elders a little. I will find the end part of this story. So enjoy my story carefully.

A painter lived in Constantinople, a well-known and beautiful city in Rome. Whose name was Anthony. Anthony combined his insights and art to create a very nice drawing. He kept the picture for people to see where many people passed during the day in the main square of the city. Under Neath the picture, he wrote, "If anyone sees any defect in this drawing, mark it in that place so that the picture can be made more beautiful by removing the defect.''

In the evening, when the painter-Anthony went to see his drawing, he was speechless. The drawing, made with great attention and heart, had so many marks that it would not even know what the original picture was. Anthony disappointed. He did not know how he could improve the drawing. 

A few minutes later, one of his friend name Charles, was passed by. Seeing his painter friend upset, he approached him and asked him the reason for the confusion and disappointed. In response, the painter described the whole fact. The friend said, 'Don't worry. Create exactly the same drawing as we did today and write a text under the drawing that requests "to correct the defect if you see any defects in this picture.''

The painter-Anthony did as he told his friend. In the evening, when he went to see the drawing, he was not surprised. It was the same drawing that was placed in the morning. No one made any improvements.

What do we learn at the end of this story ?
It is very easy to criticize the work of others, find faults, point out mistakes, but it is very difficult to correct these flaws or mistakes. If you can’t play a role in eliminating flaws or correcting mistakes, you should avoid criticism. And if you can't avoid criticizing someone, you should avoid speaking. A well-known mathematician and Greek philosopher says, 

No matter what people think for you,
Do what you think is right.
Both condemnation or praise
Be indifferent.

This is where today's story ends. Don't forget to comment on what you think of this story. Follow our blog to read a useful story for such a life. Let us know if there are any suggestions. Our e-mail is given below. We would love to hear from you.
